From Executor to Leader: Choosing to Lead Instead of “Do”

Ever catch yourself thinking, "I always have to do everything". It's a common gripe among leaders who were once the go-to executors. But here's the deal: guiding your team always trumps doing all the work yourself when it comes to driving value for your organization.

While it may seem like your team can’t get the work done, the reality is, it's your responsibility to steer them right. Rather than saying, "Fine, I'll do it," why not opt for a constructive question like, "How can I support you with this project?".

As the leader, it's your job to guide your team - they need to feel your trust in their ability to do the job and make sound decisions.

So, how can you enable your team to do great work? Here are quick tips to consider:

  • Give them a problem to solve instead of telling them specifically what to do. When they understand the problem and have the context for it, they are better positioned to do their best work.

  • Ask your team what they need from you to do their best work.

  • Make sure projects are crystal clear, and success has been clearly defined.

  • Set up regular checkpoints to ensure you’re understanding their progress, answering their questions, and guiding them if they get stuck.

The bottom line is leading a happy, effective team requires time, intention, and constant adjustments. Finding the balance between hands-on involvement and delegation can be tricky.

That’s where we come in.

We can help you figure out how to empower your team to drive results. It is possible to delegate and produce great work. That’s exactly what we help leaders do. Dive into "The Modern Leader" program - it's your toolkit for success. Ready to take the plunge? Click here to get started today. Your journey to becoming a more effective leader kicks off right now!

Beau Morris

Project Manager


Three Cheesy Phrases You Hear Around the Office: Here's What They Actually Mean


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